Do you have wellness challenges like fatigue, chronic pain, or difficult emotions around your creativity?

Are you struggling with comparisonitis, time management, boundaries or finding balance?  

I understand. I've been there and now I'm here to help you! 

I'm Jenni Grover – a wellness coach for makers and an author, quilter, and lover of rainbows. I care deeply about the intersection of craft and health, and I created a “creative resilience” wellness coaching approach that covers physical, mental, social, creative and spiritual concerns.

I've been a lifelong creative and I've lived with chronic pain and illness for more than 25 years. I know how hard it can be to balance your needs. I’ve spent years learning how to live a full creative life in spite of health limitations, and I’m passionate about helping YOU do the same. 

This is my passion! 

Since 2020, I have coached clients for hundreds of hours. As an entrepreneur I have written countless articles, given hundreds of talks and worked with a massive array of clients. I have more than 34 years of experience in print, broadcast and online media, and I've been a professional speaker since 1996.

You have a creative voice and my mission is to help you empower yourself to use that voice! We'll do this through greater wellness so we operate from a place of strength.

Working together, you'll get the tools to feel and be your best and find the intersection of wellness and creativity.

My Education and qualifications:

  • Associate Certified Coach (ACC) through International Coaching Federation and Certified Wellness Life Coach through Coach Training EDU
  • Patient advocate and chronic illness coach since 2005 (through my ChronicBabe work)
  • Self-employed entrepreneur since 2002
  • Professional speaker since 1996
  • Professional writer since the age of 16 (with more than 30 years of publishing experience)

At 25, I was diagnosed with chronic illnesses and a chronic pain condition that completely changed my trajectory. I've learned to use creativity to rebuild a way of life that allows me to continue working and making beautiful things – despite my health limitations.

Now I have a 20-year track record of self-employed entrepreneurship and a very different (and much healthier) relationship with my body and my creativity. 

In 2020, I began a journey toward better health, exploring trauma therapy to heal childhood wounds. Today, my health is better than ever: My body is stronger; I’ve been able to go off of many medications; I’ve taken up running for the first time in 25 years; and I no longer experience daily anxiety attacks. I’m living proof that it is possible to make big, meaningful change!

You're not alone and I'm here to help you.

My Story:


Graduated with a B.S. in Journalism from Northwestern University.


Launched ChronicBabe website, public speaking, advocacy and coaching services for young women with chronic illness.


Began creativity and wellness coaching for makers.


Published my first newspaper article in Houston, Texas.


Founded independent media company Orange Grove Media, LLC.


Started training for my first 5k after not running for 25 years.

My Story:


Published my first newspaper article in Houston, Texas.


Graduated with a B.S. in Journalism from Northwestern University.


Founded independent media company Orange Grove Media, LLC.


Launched ChronicBabe website, public speaking, advocacy and coaching services for young women with chronic illness.


Began creativity and wellness coaching for makers.


Started training for my first 5k after not running for 25 years.

Start feeling better today! Download The Pick 5 Challenge to Boost Wellness now

A kickstart guide with 35 tips for improving your physical, mental, social, creative or spiritual wellness. 

These proven tips are specifically for creative folks and they’re quick, easy and essential to greater wellness. If you’re feeling so-so, this challenge will make you feel OH YEAH!

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